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Learn Quran on Monday, August 24, 2020


Md. Nurul Islam

[Jabdipur, Khulna 11th September 2017, Monday]

A Galliot 

In the world here life marching ahead

Covering hurdles often to earn bread,

He who gets the inherited vast wealth

Seldom faces trouble in mental health.

Though peace oft deceives such lucky

For betrayal acts of the beloved ducky,

Wealth fails to regain days of the past

As woe-begone perisher cedes at last.

Once flower of the community like rose

That blooms, in drying, fragrance goes,

None on earth feels for a gloomy one

Nor cherishes a single sign of passion!

Unfit element of the society to be shun

As engulfed by Bugbear in the long run,

Can’t go-ahead by losing the car’s tire

Steps out of the frying-pan into the fire.

Pessimism never leaves him to follow

Aptitude for thinking better turns below,

Dangers break out all over like ripples

O God! save his galliot sailing in perils! 20

[All right reserved @Md. Nurul Islam]

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