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Learn Quran on Monday, August 24, 2020

The Immortal Souls

Md. Nurul Islam

[Barisal, 30th October 2017, Monday]

Mighty souls sacrificed for Motherland

Are not dead, salute them beforehand,

None is to supersede their noble deed

But for nervous debility suffer the timid.

Graveyard or elsewhere they be buried

If called flash men’s inward eye hurried,

Suckled the holy blood their land adorns

So far fit to give birth heroes’ newborns.

Numerous Freedom Fighters in warfare

Died for the country are men of honour,

Commemorated from the core of hearts

Recalled them in songs, sung by bards.

Homage to the fallen to be paid in deed

By folks irrespective of caste and creed,

Their dues will never be ceased or faint

Rather glims of light to emit gloss paint.

In deep concentration by one, can hear

Sounds of those Holy hearts of the dear,

Hovering us a close-in from the Heaven

Very lights of patriotism often to enliven! 20

[All right reserved @Md. Nurul Islam]

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