Play truant
[Barisal, Monday, the 9th January, 2017]
In solitude whenever I beat my brains
Memoirs in train not to hold the reins,
Like never ending series of thought:
Find hardly know-how to cease what.
Out of that huge aggregation oft two
Make me inexorably passionate too,
Circumstances compelled me to bend
When recapitulate become shy to tend.
In the road-side near Barabak school
Played truant with Akkel uncle awful
To grasp fruits of acacia, thorny wood
Day long rummaging that crow’s food.
Left the bushy green with pupils back
We as if from school lied in front pack,
Returned home deluding the guardian
Couldn’t guess us as though magician.
Memory hit another episode I do cite
M. Ali led me to that hopeless plight,
That day we were on our way to school
Cleverest Ali induced us by a witty pull.
School going motive of ours readily left
In the twinkling of an eye clung to adept,
Tender minds bent to hanker after picnic
Ali urged us all by his primal technique.
Pathway to Barabaria Primary school
Spot chosen was exorbitantly beautiful.
Countryside natural scenes surrounding
Greenery laden with creeper so dancing
We went like children followed pied piper
To collect necessaries from dwellers there,
Cooked short items in bushy date garden
Playing truant done with feelings sudden.
We were all eyes to school breaking hours
And cunning enough to join mate of ours,
Who returned attending school as usual
That folly startled our mentality eventual.
Early School-days all of life’s fragment
Bring that to mind as lonely merriment. 38
[All right reserved @Md. Nurul Islam]
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